Note: This content is for Android users only. To unlock the content and receive your rewards, you must complete the two offers that appear in the content locker.
Offer 1:
Install and Play MISTPLAY
- Click on the area where the offer appears to install the MISTPLAY app.
- Open the app and play 3 games for 5 minutes each.
- After completing the games, the content will unlock, and you’ll receive the Monopoly stickers and dice.
Offer 2:
Install and Open Alibaba
- Click on the area where the offer appears to install the Alibaba app.
- Open the app after installation.
- Once the app is opened, the content will automatically unlock, and you can enjoy your reward.
Note: Both offers must be completed to fully unlock the content.
“After completing the offers, you will receive a variety of stickers like these shown below.”